
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease”.
Thomas Edison

Lunar Integrative Medical Group

Naturopathic Healthcare in Prescott, AZ

Society is beginning to recognize that some of our current collective beliefs are detrimental to our existence and that there is a globalization of illness. We are also beginning to understand that inherent within all living organisms is the drive to survive and a prolific innate power to heal. Our mission is to assist our patients on their journey to health freedom, breaking the shackles of our current medical model. We can achieve great health and harmony when we treat our body as a whole integrative system.

People are sick. If that wasn’t evident a few years ago, it certainly is today. Many of our patients have seen multiple providers and specialists. They have been dismissed and told there is nothing wrong, regardless of their symptoms or they are given another prescription or are chasing a diagnosis or have been misdiagnosed. Achieving true health in the conventional system has become out of reach.

What is missing in our current “sick-care” medical system are providers that listen to their patients and look at the body as an interconnected whole system. It is impossible to create health when a medical doctor has 15 minutes with you, with standardized treatment protocols outline by insurance companies. We take a completely different approach to your health.

Here at Lunar Integrative Medical Group, we pride ourselves on our systematic and comprehensive approach to your health plan. Program-based care is a structured and organized approached to an individuals health concerns. It is designed to improve patient outcomes through a systematic and often interdisciplinary approach. Instead of compartmentalizing and focusing on one aspect like most doctors do, Dr. Boyce and her team work at restoring health by removing obstacles to cure by assessing areas that contribute to health dysfunction.

Our programs combine advanced lab testing and functional analysis of those labs, detoxification, nutritional coaching, lifestyle modifications, mindset coaching (releasing trauma and re-programming misguided belief systems), appropriate pharmaceutical-grade supplements and many other modalities and therapies that are targeted specifically to you.

Meet Dr. Jennifer Boyce, ND, BCOMM

Head Honcho!

Dr. Boyce is a graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND). She fully believes that inherent within all living organisms is the drive to survive and a prolific innate power to heal.

Her passion is guiding individuals to a place of wonderment for themselves and their bodies. Assisting them in understanding their bodies on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. She focused her clinical training in detoxification, addiction recovery (including prescribed medications), hormone optimization, emotional and mental health, nutrition and IV therapy.

She was fortunate enough to work with one of Arizona’s leading doctors in addiction recovery, this man has a profound sense of what it is to be human, the struggle to find the truth of who a person is and the ability to forgive oneself and to connect to “the scared energy that is all things”. He taught her to listen, to keep it simple and go back to nature. The journey to health involves commitment and time, Dr. Boyce takes working with her patients very seriously, it is a journey they go through together, from start to finish.

She was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and moved down to the desert 12 years ago. She enjoys traveling, laughing (a lot) and spending time with her wonderful husband and fur babies….the cutest fur babies…if you ask her!

“Men go forth to wonder at the heights of mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the broad flow of the rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the courses of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering”.
St. Augustine, “Confessions,” Book X, Chapter 8

Meet Ashley Maurer, M.S., BHS

Medical & Administrative Assistant and Medical Nutritionist

Ashley is passionate about educating people on how to create healthy habits, such as a balanced diet, physical activity, and mindfulness, to optimize their lives and health. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science and a Master’s Degree in Medical Nutrition, Ashley has a comprehensive understanding of the science underlying healthy life practices.

About Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is rooted in the understanding that the body can heal itself. It combines ancient wisdom of nature and natural medicines with modern science and technology. The key differentiation between naturopathic medicine and allopathic medicine is that we become partners in your health journey and provide care that is comprehensive, addressing the body, mind and spirit.

Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:

Living A Healthy, Enjoyable Life

My Health Journey

For most of my life I did not wonder about myself, I especially did not wonder about the capability of my body. I did not wonder that perhaps the food I ate, the emotions I felt, the thoughts I thought, what I believed, or the view I had about the world contributed at all to how I felt physically. I never made the connection, and for the most part neither did my parents or the doctors they took me too. I was a sick child. Shortly after I was born, there was intense fear from my mom that I was going to die. I was in and out of doctor’s offices and hospitals from the time I was born until my mid-twenties. I came to believe that my body was inherently “flawed” and I would always be sick. Along with my own personal health struggles, I was surrounded by illness. At twenty-four years old, consumed with yet another health crisis, I decided I was going to find a better way.

My search led me to an integrative medical doctor. His practice is a blend of eastern and western medicine. His goal is to create health, harmony and healing within the environment, physical, electromagnetic, intellectual, emotional, soul and spiritual areas of an individual. The cornerstone of his practice is looking at aspects that I never considered. He treated the whole person and was the first doctor to introduce this concept to me. In my first appointment he asked me about my diet and how I felt about myself. My real journey to healing began.

We began with identifying and treating my underlying physical issues. Given my history with hospitals and surgeries, antibiotics, allergy shots and “there is nothing wrong with you”, we used the least invasive therapies we could. My food was literally my medicine. It was not easy but for the first time in my life I was feeling better and I felt connected to what I was doing and I knew I was not causing any further harm to my body.

About two years into working with this Physician, I felt as though the work we had done hit a plateau. I was definitely feeling better physically but not where I wanted to be and something was still missing. My father suddenly passed and I was abruptly forced to feel that life went beyond my body, that there was more than what I could see and feel. I started to learn about energy and frequency healing and emotional release.  I now fully accepted that healing may begin at the physical level but true healing involves our mind, body and spirit. I spent time traveling and meeting individuals in different parts of the world with this knowledge of the “unseen” body and a way to translate it to me.

I have spent more time healing my disillusioned belief systems, misguided perceptions of myself and fears then I have my physical body. Our bodies are smart and quick. Once we focus our minds and emotions the body responds. I began to trust that within my body was an inherent ability and desire to be healthy and when I removed the obstacles, in this case my beliefs about food, the fear of something bad happening, the trauma from the surgeries and hospital visits and my body healed. My body and I are partners in this journey and that empowers me to live a healthy enjoyable life.

For me, Naturopathy will not simply be treating the cause of an illness but bringing people back to the core of who they are, back into connection with their bodies, their minds, their spirits and nature. Becoming an ND is about being a catalyst for change, to bring people to a place of wonderment about and beyond their bodies. I believe the power that created the body is the power that can heal the body and I believe that we can achieve great health and harmony when we treat our body as a whole integrative system.

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